Cabool Senior Center


(417) 962-3860


Southwest Missouri Office on Aging


Multipurpose center that serves as a focal point for older adults in the community; offers a wide variety of services and activities that are needed by and of interest to this population; including Congregate Meals/Nutrition Sites, Home Delivered Meals, Senior Housing Information and Referral, Property Tax Relief Application Preparation Services, Certificates/Forms Assistance, Activities of Daily Living Assessment, Medicare Information/Counseling, Benefits Screening, Case/Care Management, Homemaker Assistance, Adult In-Home Respite Care, Exercise Classes/Groups, Arts and Crafts Instruction, Senior Centers Services, Extreme Cold Warming Centers, and Extreme Heat Cooling Centers.


Mon-Fri - 8:00am to 3:30pm

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Date of Official Change:

October 23, 2023

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